Glossary of Early Intervention Terms

Age of Beginners: The minimum age that a child can attend first grade in his or her own school district.

Developmental Delay: Development behind other children of the same age in achieving cognitive, adaptive, physical and social skills.

DPW: Department of Public Welfare, the State office responsible for the provision of early intervention services for children birth to three years of age across Pennsylvania.

Early Intervention: A collection of services and supports for eligible children from birth to age beginners to provide stimulation and education.

IDEA: Federal early intervention legislation reauthorized in 2004 called the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

PICC: The Philadelphia Interagency Coordinating Council is made up of parents and professionals to coordinate and plan for early intervention services in the local community.

SICC: The State Interagency Coordinating Council is an advisory group made up of parents and professionals to advise the Governor and the Departments about early intervention issues in Pennsylvania.